Paying on a website

SSL Certificates

Make your website safe and protect your customers

Create a secure line between your website and your customer, kind of like having a conversation in a private, soundproof room.


Benefits of having an SSL certificate on your website.

Enjoy the freedom of customization. With root access, the possibilities are limitless - tweak, modify, and install as you see fit.

Trusty padlock.
When you see the padlock icon next to a website's address, it means the site has an SSL certificate. This is like a sign saying, "It's safe to shop or share info here" which makes visitors feel more comfortable.
Everything is private.
An SSL certificate turns your conversation with a website into a private chat room. Whatever you share stays between you and the site, protected from outside people.
No imposters.
SSL certificates help prove a website is the real deal, not a fake copycat trying to trick you.
Google will love you.
Websites with SSL certificates often get a thumbs-up from Google, meaning they might show up higher in search results. It's like wearing a nice outfit to an interview; it makes a good impression.
Safe shopping.
For online stores, having an SSL certificate is a must. It's like having a security guard at the door, making shoppers feel safe to spend their money.
As the internet gets more focused on privacy and security, having an SSL certificate keeps your website on the right side of new rules and expectations. It's preparing for tomorrow, today.


Simple pricing.

Choose an affordable plan that’s packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving sales.

DV Wildcard




Get this if you want to secure multiple urls in the same domain: * (For example,,, etc.)

  • WildcardValidation
  • 256 bitsEncryption
  • $10.000 USDWarranty
  • Comodo Static SiteSeal
  • ComodoIssued By
Secure your website





Get this if you want to secure only one domain: (and

  • 256 bitsEncryption
  • $10.000 USDWarranty
  • Comodo Static SiteSeal
  • ComodoIssued By
Secure your website

Great People.

Whether you need assistance with setting up your website, troubleshooting a technical problem, or just have a general question, we gotchu!

WinkHosting Employee

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Protect your website and your customers.
Get secure today. From $16.99 USD/year

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